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Like A Prayer

Promise To Try

Little girl don't you forget her face
Laughing away your tears
When she was the one who felt all the pain

Little girl never forget her eyes
Keep them alive inside
I promise to try -- it's not the same

Keep your head held high -- ride like the wind
Never look behind

song performed by Madonna from Like A PrayerReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Dear Jessie

Baby face don't grow so fast
Make a special wish that will always last
Rub this magic lantern
He will make your dreams come true for you

Ride the rainbow to the other side
Catch a falling star and then take a ride
To the river that sings and the clover that
Brings good luck to you

song performed by Madonna from Like A PrayerReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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