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Recovering The Satellites

Have You Seen Me Lately

Get away from me
This isn't gonna be easy
But I don't need you
Believe me
You got a piece of me
But it's just a little piece of me
And I don't need anyone
And these days I feel like I'm fading away
Like sometimes when I hear myself on the radio

Have you seen me lately?
Have you seen me lately?

I was out on the radio starting to change
Somewhere out in America

song performed by Counting Crows from Recovering The SatellitesReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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A Long December

A long December and there's reason to believe
Maybe this year will be better than the last
I can't remember the last thing that you said as you were leavin'
Now the days go by so fast

And it's one more day up in the canyons
And it's one more night in Hollywood
If you think that I could be forgiven...I wish you would

The smell of hospitals in winter
And the feeling that it's all a lot of oysters

song performed by Counting Crows from Recovering The SatellitesReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Goodnight Elisabeth

I was wasted in the afternoon
Waiting on a train
I woke up in pieces and Elisabeth had disappeared again
I wish you were inside of me
I hope that you're ok
I hope you're resting quietly
I just wanted to say

Goodnight Elisabeth
Goodnight Elisabeth

We couldn't all be cowboys
So some of us are clowns
Some of us are dancers on the midway
We roam from town to town
I hope that everybody can find a little flame

song performed by Counting Crows from Recovering The SatellitesReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Daylight Fading

Waiting for the moon to come and light me up inside
I am waiting for the telephone to tell me I'm alive
Well I heard you let somebody get their fingers into you
It's getting cold in California
I guess I'll be leaving soon

Daylight fading
Come and waste another year
All the the anger and the eloquence are bleeding into fear
Moonlight creeping around the corners of our lawn
When we see the early signs that daylight's fading
We leave just before it's gone

She said "everybody loves you"
She says

song performed by Counting Crows from Recovering The SatellitesReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Miller's Angels

Miller's angels in black and white
Welcome everyone in
Children dreaming of wrong and right
Wrapped in grace and in sin

They come out of the blue sky
They come out of the blue
They come out of the blue sky
But you never know where they're gonna go
Hey romeo

Miller's fingers are traveling down the length of her thigh
But Miller's mind is still wandering
Staring up at the sky

They come out of the blue sky
They come out of the blue
They come out of the blue sky
But you never know where they're gonna go
Hey romeo

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song performed by Counting Crows from Recovering The SatellitesReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Angels Of The Silences

Well I guess you left me with some feathers in my hand
Did it make it any easier to leave me where I stand?
I guess there might not be too many who would stand beside you now
Where'd you come from? Where am I going?
Why'd you leave me 'till I'm only good for...
Waiting for you
All my sins...
I said that I would pay for them if I could come back to you
All my innocence is wasted on the dead and dreaming

Every night these silhouettes appear above my head
Little angels of the silences that climb into my bed and whisper
Every time I fall asleep

song performed by Counting Crows from Recovering The SatellitesReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Recovering The Satellites

Gonna get back to basics
Guess I'll start it up again
I'm fallin' from the ceiling
You're falling from the sky now and then
Maybe you were shot down in pieces
Maybe I slipped in between
But we were gonna be the wildest people they ever hoped to see
Just you and me

So why'd you come home to this sleepless town
It's a lifetime commitment
Recovering the satellites
All anybody really wants to know is...
When you gonna come down

Your mother recognizes all you're desperate displays
And she watches as her babies drift violently away
'Til they see themselves in telescopes
Do you see yourself in me?
We're such crazy babies

song performed by Counting Crows from Recovering The SatellitesReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Another Horsedreamers' Blues

Margery's dreaming of the middle of the day
Tiyuri to win
Perfect Dozen to place
Money is the matter that's been on her mind
Time ticks by her one race at a time

She's tryin' to be a good girl
And give 'em what they want
But Margery's dreaming of horses

Lookin' at a green sky
Sun like a red eye
Bright blue horses are the fortune she lives by
She's tired and lonely
Scared and depressed
Her visions of one day go racing the next

She's trying to be a good girl
And give 'em what they want
But Margery's dreaming of horses

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song performed by Counting Crows from Recovering The SatellitesReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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All of the sudden she disappears
Just yesterday she was here
Somebody tell me if I am sleeping
Someone should be with me here
Cause I don't wanna be alone

I wanna be the knife that cuts into my hand
And I wanna be scattered from here in this catapult
What a big baby won't somebody save me please
You won't find nobody home

All of these quiet battered voices
Wait for the hunger to come
We got little revolvers and stupid choices
And no one to say when we're done
Well I don't wanna bring you down

I wanna be the light that burns out your eyes
Cause I know there's little things about me
That would sing in the silence of so much rejection

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song performed by Counting Crows from Recovering The SatellitesReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Children In Bloom

Children in bloom cooking in the sun
Waiting for a room of our own
Leave my sister alone
She don't deserve this
She is a flower and I am a flower and
We are all alone

I gotta get out on my own
I gotta get up from this waiting at home
I gotta get out of this sunlight
It's melting my bones
I gotta get up from this slumber and get myself home

All these wasted dreams
Just waiting for the sun to open up my heart to anyone
Bring me some rain
Because I'm dying and I can't get this damn thing closed again

I gotta get out on my own
I gotta get up from this waiting at home

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song performed by Counting Crows from Recovering The SatellitesReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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