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The universe of love from Camelia Oprița

You are...

You are one of those "people" you meet
when God decides to give you a great gift.

poem by Camelia Oprița from The universe of love (13 June 2013), translated by Camelia OpriţaReport problemRelated quotes
Added by clementina forgiero, rome
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Love has deep roots
When mothers breastfeed babies.

Camelia Oprița in The universe of love (30 August 2007)Report problemRelated quotes
Added by anonym
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Love is the most beautiful prayer we can say

aphorism by Camelia Oprița from The universe of love (2009), translated by Camelia OprițaReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Alexander
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You are never mature enough to say how much you miss your parents: their hands always know how to remove the worries of life from your path.

aphorism by Camelia Oprița from The universe of love (2016), translated by Camelia OprițaReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Alexander
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From His Light

The Holy Spirit has given us love

which is wisdom from His Light,

Love opens our hearts

and makes us live in the presence of God

poem by Camelia Oprița from The universe of love (2008)Report problemRelated quotes
Added by Alexander
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