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Luceafărul de seară Botoşani from George Ciprian Bălan

Bitter hate

A girl so beautiful of kind
I met on streets long time behind.
She charmed my soul right from the start
And dunked in love my humble heart.

She was a frail silhouette
For no one easy to forget.
I liked her hair, her rosy cheek,
Her eyes in sun that made them blink,

Her arms and shoulders marble white,
Her waist, her dress that held it tight.
But something sinister would bite
My flesh and bones through me inside.

She stopped at me and in her eyes
I saw a flame, a gleam of ice.
And also seemed that it is like
Her look's a deadly viper strike.

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poem by George Ciprian Bălan from Luceafărul de seară Botoşani (12 September 2022)Report problemRelated quotes
Added by George Ciprian Bălan
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